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Vue DIOD comes with a composable that provide a few function to help with injection at component level.


For Typescript not to complain, injecting a dependency in Vue component by its abstraction class name suppose to do:

import type { InjectionKey } from 'vue';
import { AbstractCounter } from './counter.abstract';

// Cast the abstract class to unknown.

const CounterKey = AbstractCounter as unknown;

// Inject the instance getter with this key cast to 'InjectionKey<AbstractCounter>'

const counterGetter = inject<() => AbstractCounter>(
  CounterKey as InjectionKey<AbstractCounter>

  // ... optional fallback (function that returns an object)

let counterInstance;

// No fallback was provided, check if not 'undefined'.
if (counterGetter) {
  counterInstance = counterGetter();

Vue DIOD provides a helper to get the injection key without the verbosity of type casting the abstract class, then the 'unknown' key.

// Other imports...

import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';

const { injectionKeyForClass } = useVueDiod();

const CounterKey = injectionKeyForClass(AbstractCounter);
const counterGetter = inject(CounterKey /*, optional fallback (function) */);


injectionKeyForClass: <T>(registered: unknown) => InjectionKey<T>;


As seen in the previous section and to preserve DIOD scopes, calling inject on a dependency registered via Vue DIOD doesn't actually return the instance itself, but a function to get it, via DIOD's container get function.

useVueDiod provides a helper to get this function directly.

// Other imports...

import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';

const { injectServiceGetter } = useVueDiod();

const instanceGetter = injectServiceGetter(AbstractCounter);

// 'instanceGetter' is a function that returns an instance
// of our concrete class or 'undefined'.

const actualInstance: Counter | undefined = instanceGetter();


injectServiceGetter: <T>(
  key: Abstract<T> | Newable<T>,
  fallback?: (() => T) | undefined
) => (() => T) | (() => undefined);


If we are sure the injected class exists, we can call injectServiceInstance that will preserve us from calling the getter manually.

// Other imports...

import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';

const { injectServiceInstance } = useVueDiod();

// Our 'count' value.

const count = ref(0);

// Get the instance.

const instance = inject(AbstractCounter /* , optional fallback (object) **/);

// We have the instance, we can now bind its methods
// to our component's ones like this.
// NB: template's button will have to pass 'count' to the function.

const increment = instance.increment.bind(instance);
const decrement = instance.decrement.bind(instance);

// Or like this.
const increment = () => {
  count.value = instance.increment(count.value);

const decrement = () => {
  count.value = instance.decrement(count.value);


injectServiceInstance: <T>(
  key: Abstract<T> | Newable<T>,
  fallback?: (() => T) | undefined
) => T | undefined;


When we can't use Vue's inject method (e.g. in Pinia) we can get our services directly from DOD's main or component level container.


Create a recursive method to check in a 'builders cache' the first service that responds to our key, like Vue does with inject.

// ...

import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';

const { injectFromContainer } = useVueDiod();

const useMyStore = defineStore({
  // ...

  actions: {
    increment() {
      // Inject the service directly from the VueDiod plugin container.

      const counter = injectFromContainer(AbstractCounter);
      this.count = counter!.increment(this.count);
  // ...


injectFromContainer: <T>(
  identifier: Abstract<T> | Newable<T>,
  fallback?: T | null,
  container?: Container
): T | undefined;


Before injecting a dependency, we can check if it has actually been registered. This prevents from further checks and is another way to provide a fallback to our component.

On global (plugin) builder.

const { isRegistered } = useVueDiod();

let counter;

if (isRegistered(AbstractCounter)) {
  counter = inject(AbstractCounter);

// ...

On local (component / composable) builder.

If we created a builder at component level (i.e. to provide dependencies to component's children only), we'll have to pass the builder to the function.

For the time being, the only ways to have access to a parent's builder are:

  • Passing it through props, which has the drawback to couple our children components to their parent.
  • Providing it via Vue's provide with an unique key.

The isRegistered function, in this case, is mostly a way to check if the class was actually registered just after builder's bootstrap. It can also be used in a custom composable or in a state manager (Vuex, Pinia, ...) by passing the Vue.js application as target (self below).

const { isRegistered } = useVueDiod();

const builder = new VueDiodBuilder();
  register: AbstractCounter,
  use: Counter,

if (isRegistered(AbstractCounter, builder)) {
  console.log(`${AbstractCounter} was successfully registered.`);

// ...


isRegistered: <T>(identifier: Abstract<T> | Newable<T>) => boolean;


The isProvided helper is more interesting. It will check if the class as key is provided by:

  1. The component itself (i.e. its parent).
  2. The application (i.e. it was registered at application bootstrap).
const { isProvided } = useVueDiod();

// If we take this documentation example components, it will return 'true':
// 'AbstractCounter' was provided on application bootstrap.

const counterProvided = isProvided(AbstractCounter);

// If we look at the 'parent->child' example, this will return true if
// we call it from the child component (injector), but false is called
// from outside the parent component (provider) children tree.
const mealProvided = isProvided(AbstractMeal);

if (counterProvided && mealProvided) {
  // Super-extra stuff...


isProvided: <T>(identifier: Abstract<T> | Newable<T>) => boolean;


If we have the use of native DIOD's builder, we can get it with useVueDiod method getDefaultBuilder. This method is mainly provided to handle eventual DIOD functionalities changes.

const { getDefaultBuilder } = useVueDiod();

const builder = getDefaultBuilder();

const isRegistered = builder.isRegistered(AbstractCounter);

if (isRegistered) {
  // Some cool stuff...


getDefaultBuilder: () => ContainerBuilder | undefined;


If we have the use of native DIOD's container, we can get it with useVueDiod method getDefaultContainer. This method is mainly provided to handle eventual DIOD functionalities changes.

const { getDefaultContainer } = useVueDiod();

const container = getDefaultContainer();

const instance = container.get(AbstractCounter);
const taggedServices = container.findTaggedServiceIdentifiers('tag');


getDefaultContainer: () => Container | undefined;