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Use with Pinia

Pinia is a very powerful store for Vue.js. And it is simple to use!

Here, we will reuse our AbstractCounter which is already registered for our whole app. It is stateless, that means we could have registered it with the VueDiodScope.Singleton scope as we use it as a Command we provide with a value that is returned modified.

Injection in Pinia

Pinia (as Vuex) doesn't allow us to use Vue's inject method except in its getters, which are the store's version of the component's computed properties.

So, we have to find a way to inject our services out of the components' scope.

useVueDiod composable offers a method to get the service directly from given DIOD container: injectFromContainer.

This method accepts the two usual parameters identifier (key) and fallback, plus a third optional one for the container. If the container parameter is undefined, the function will call for a global container (the one we have set at the root of our application by calling app.use(VueDiod, { injectables })).


In order to not have to pass container as prop from parent to children components, we're working on providing the same functionality as Vue does, namely: the capability to traverse a component's tree upward to get the first container that exposes a given 'key'. But, with Pinia usage we can stay with this 'root' container, as the store is itself a global object.

For the time being, the only way to access component level containers is to provide / inject them, or to pass them as properties.


On app creation:

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
import VueDiod from 'vue-diod';
import { AbstractCounter, Counter } from './modules';

// ...

app.use(VueDiod, {
  injectables: [{ register: AbstractCounter, use: Counter }],

// For our examples, that use the Vue DIOD composable at global scope,
// Pinia must be created after VueDiod has already been bootstrapped.


Pinia Store

Instead of defining our store's functions directly in its actions, we'll pass the instances injected by calling the abstract classes.

import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';
import { AbstractCounter } from './modules';

const { injectFromContainer } = useVueDiod();

export const useCounterStore = defineStore({
  id: 'counter',
  state: () => ({
    count: 0,
  getters: {
    doubleCount: (state) => () => {
      return state.count * 2;
  actions: {
    increment() {
      // Inject the service directly from the VueDiod plugin container.

      const counter = injectFromContainer(AbstractCounter);
      this.count = counter!.increment(this.count);
    decrement() {
      // If we are sure the service exists, we can also pass any as return type,
      // for Typescript not to complain.

      const counter = injectFromContainer<AbstractCOunter | any>(

      this.count = counter.decrement(this.count); // Note the absence of the '!'


Then we can use it as usual with Pinia in our components.

import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
import { useCounterStore } from '../../stores/';

const store = useCounterStore();

const { count } = storeToRefs(useCounterStore());
const { doubleCount } = useCounterStore();

// The store actions.

const increment = store.increment;
const decrement = store.decrement;
      <button @click="decrement()">Decrement</button>
      <div>{{ count }}</div>
      <button @click="increment()">Increment</button>
      <h3>Pinia Getters</h3>
            <td>{{ doubleCount() }}</td>



Pinia Getters
