Simple Counter
Here we create a very simple counter and use Vue DIOD helper useVueDiod
to inject our service.
Create the abstract class our service will implement, and that will serve as key to get an instance.
// counter.abstract.ts
export abstract class AbstractSimpleCounter {
public abstract increment(value: number): number;
public abstract decrement(value: number): number;
Create the service that implements the abstract class.
// counter-by-one.service.ts
import { Service } from 'diod';
import { AbstractCounter } from './counter.abstract';
export class CounterByOne implements AbstractCounter {
constructor() {}
public increment(value: number): number {
const count = value + 1;
return count;
public decrement(value: number): number {
const count = value - 1;
return count;
At the Vue.js application bootstrap, setup the app to use
Vue DIOD and pass abstraction and concrete class to module's configuration.
// main.ts
// Import once in the application: Sooner the better.
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import VueDiod from 'vue-diod';
import { AbstractCounter } from './counter.abstract';
import { CounterByOne } from './counter-by-one.service';
import App from './App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(VueDiod, {
injectables: [
// Registers our abstract class as 'key' for...
register: AbstractCounter,
// ... our implementation.
use: CounterByOne,
To inject the counter in our component we can use the injectServiceInstance
method from the Vue DIOD composable useVueDiod
. For other ways to inject our service, please refer to Basic usage section.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Ref } from 'vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useVueDiod } from 'vue-diod';
import { AbstractCounter } from '../modules';
// Use the injection helper.
const { injectServiceInstance } = useVueDiod();
// Setup the (optional) fallback.
const fallback = () => {
return {
increment(value: number) {
console.warn('Function increment was called from fallback.');
return value++;
decrement(value: number) {
console.warn('Function decrement was called from fallback.');
return value--;
const counter = injectServiceInstance<AbstractCounter | any>(
// Pass the abstract class as key.
// NB: Vue DIOD allows not to pass fallback, if you're sure the key exists
// and pass 'any' in the return type: '<AbstractCounter | any>'.
// NB: Things could also be done like this.
const Key = AbstractCounter as unknown;
const counter = inject<() => AbstractCounter>(
Key as InjectionKey<AbstractCounter>,
// Pass a fallback to avoid further checks.
() => {
return {
increment(value: number) {
return value++;
decrement(value: number) {
return value--;
)(); // Note the injection returns a function that calls 'get' on the DIOD container.
const count: Ref<number> = ref(0);
// Our component's methods.
// WARNING: Typescript will not complain if you didn't pass a fallback
// to the injectServiceInstance method above as we ensured it returns
// 'AbstractCounter' or 'any'.
const increment = counter.increment.bind(counter);
const decrement = counter.decrement.bind(counter);
Then, in our template:
<button @click="increment(count)">Increment</button>
<button @click="decrement(count)">Decrement</button>